Dienstag, 8. August 2017

Rainbow Maker - day 2

Rainbow Plaids
Hallo Ihr Lieben, heute habe ich mir das Rainbow Plaid für mein "Feierabendprojekt" ausgesucht.
Ich habe Farben von Heroarts "Cubes" benutzt um das Plaid das Laura Bassen heute vorgestellt hat, zu gestalten. Leider hab ich keine Streifen Stempel in meinem Sortiment. Zufällig hab ich in einem Artemio New York Set diesen Karostempel gefunden. Gefällt mir ganz gut :)

Hi there, today I have chosen the Rainbow Plaid for my after work project. As I did not have any stripe stamps I saw in the tutorial of Laura Bassen I was not sure what to do. But looking through all my stamps I found on an Artemio Set called New York these little squares in a line. I took Hero Arts Dye Ink the Colors Ultra Pink, Pale Tomato, Lemon Yello, Green Hills, Cornflower and Passion Flower. I am not sure if one can see the vellum on my picture....
Thank you Laura I never thought I could do something like this - but thanks to you and the Misty :)
yes I can.

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